Get ABM Campaign Started for Your Startup with Actionable Org Charts

 Until recently, Account-based marketing (ABM) was only utilized by multinational corporations and businesses because of the high initial investment requirement. However, these days, things have changed a lot. Affordable, easy and yet robust marketing technologies have made it easy for even your startup to implement effective and successful Account-Based Marketing campaigns. And, utilizing actionable org charts developed by sales intelligence experts gives an edge to create a powerful ABM strategy to scale. It allows you to build personalized ABM campaigns and target accounts with relevant products and services.

Before moving further, let's know:

What is Account-Based Marketing (ABM)?

Account-based marketing is a strategic marketing technique that focuses on specific target accounts and sending personalized messages to prospects so that your startup can effectively connect and engage with them. It enables you to build a lasting relationship with the prospects while leading you to new opportunities within the account.

Benefits of Using Account-Based Marketing (ABM) with actionable org charts in a Startup:

  • More Effective Use of Resources: Being a startup, chances are you have minimal resources to work with. Fortunately, ABM campaigns, when implemented with An actionable org charts, enable you to focus on key stakeholders & decision-makers of the prospects. It minimizes the risk of wasting your valuable resources on those prospects that will not convert.

  • Increased Personalization: With ABM, you will be able to target a particular set of accounts. Moreover, along with the actionable org charts, you will be able to create more personalized content that your prospect accounts will be more willing to engage with.

  • Aligns Sales & Marketing Teams:When it comes to customer acquisition and scaling your business, your sales and marketing teams are among your key players. Account-based marketing with actionable org charts forces both teams to work together by providing a deeper understanding of the prospects.

  • Value-added Client Service: Account-based marketing, when done with actionable org charts, shows significant improvement in prospecting and building lasting relationships with them. As a result, it boosts customer retention and revenue generation in your startup.

  • More Revenue Generation: Startups that have started using ABM strategy with actionable org charts generate significantly higher ROI compared with other marketing strategies. The reason is, it emphasizes targeting relevant customers by understanding their buying preferences, needs, and touchpoints.

  • Conclusion:

    Account-based marketing is not new in the marketing world. However, it has become quite popular only in recent years because of becoming more accessible to startups. The power and ability of this marketing strategy lie in its focus on quality over quantity. And, infusing actionable org charts gives your startup the required quality data about the prospects. So, if you are seriously considering running an ABM campaign for your startup, try doing it with the robust and actionable insights of org charts.

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